Designer Consultant

With a foundation in program management and mechanical engineering as well as a depth of hands-on experience including industries such as aerospace, weapons manufacturing, energy, agriculture, fine-dining, and entertainment. Savannah maintains a holistic yet process-oriented approach to design and consulting. Her focus lies in root-targeted problem solving for the development of closed-loop systems.

Cross-application from her diverse industry backgrounds gives her a unique edge transcending conventional expectations.

  • "Executing an experience, which is how we see dining, is best done with knowledge, confidence and passion. Savannah Gates sees this through a chef's eyes as well as a sommelier's and brings this vision to life every step of the way, truly making the experience magical to the guests and those working with her. Her art is rare and is an asset to anyone working beside her."

  • "Her multi-sensory dinner designs serve much more than a combination of ingredients on a plate. They tell a story, become a demonstration of culture, take a dive into emotional discovery, and in some cases...explode into a full blown adventure."

  • "Savannah, as one who envisions and manifests momentous experiences for herself and others, draws ideas from her myriad interests (a diagram of which would look more like an intricate nervous system than a simple branching line), synthesizes these often seemingly abstract and unrelated topics, and produces for those lucky enough to participate, unforgettable experiences that are moving, engaging, and cause one to reexamine one's line of thinking regarding whatever the particular experience is that day."

  • "Savannah has a unique skill set that allows her to approach each design with both technical precision and creative vision; using engineering to create functional and innovative designs, while melding her artistic background to create visually appealing products and still ensuring each piece is environmentally sound and functional."